Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Turning of the tide...

Atlast, some hope for the people of bihar.

After 15 years of misery ( at least these folks have woken up now!), the people of Bihar voted out laloo and his clan out of power. They have chosen development over cast and pseudo-secular politics.

It is now up to the newly elected CM to ensure that the trust kept in them by the people shouldn't be taken for granted and toyed around, like the previous governments did. It is a golden opportunity for the newly elected leaders to end the darkness in Bihar and fulfill the hopes and dreams of the people of this troubled state.

Anyways, this change is only the first step on the long road ahead for the people of Bihar towards progress and prosperity.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and wish them all the best. Let's also hope that this shldn't become one of those false starts, that always promised them good times ahead but ultimately ended in abyss.


Anonymous said...

I think it requires a lot of courage to even begin to think of a definite plan for progress in Bihar.

Sri Harsha said...

Ya...i agree with tht. But...we need to start on it sometime or the other.

Let's hope this be the time to take some concrete action.