Thursday, September 28, 2006

What is today's word?

Y'sday on the "The Colbert Report", Stephen Colbert forgot today's word. But he was able to finally remember the word with a little help from Bill Clinton and you you know what!? he was also able to blame Clinton for that.


Find it out here........


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Postcard from Space (6)

Well, it's been a while since i did this. So, here it is again.....another postcard from space. This time it is our own planet's pic. from a Saturn orbiting spacecraft Cassini. Earth is the pale blue dot in this image and is shown expanded in the image inset.

Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And here is Jon's take.....

And y'sday night was Jon's turn to explore the Clinton vs FOX episode along with the ever funny Samantha Bee and as usual........he was funny and spot on.....

Watch it here!

".................Really!?.....Who the fu@k are you?..............."



Monday, September 25, 2006

Why can't the rest of the American media be like this?

As i said Dr. 'drax, here goes our Keitho!

".................Chris Wallace is a monkey posing as a newscaster..................."



People, please do start watching his show.

Source: / MSNBC

Liars, damn liars....

This afternoon on PBS's The Charlie Rose Show Britain's Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett was defending her country's involvement in the on going Iraq war by making the usual false arguments about how Saddam posed a threat to the world and all that kinda BS.

That is not what bothered me about this interview, after all what can we expect from them? We can't expect them to come out saying that....Yes, we screwed up the whole thing. We went in for the oil and got stuck in a shit hole of our own making, right!? What bothered me is that they keep thinking that by blatantly lying time and time again, they can alter history. That they can change how people will view this after some years or generations.

For example, take this statement she made during the course of the interview, ".........Every country in the world believed that Saddam had WMDs........"


No we didn't. Not even the IAEA believed this. If you take the statement of that Agency's Director General Mohamed ElBaradei's March 7, 2003 presentation to the U.N. Security Council on the progress of the inspection effort in Iraq, he had this to say.....

At this stage, the following can be stated:

One, there is no indication of resumed nuclear activities in those buildings that were identified through the use of satellite imagery as being reconstructed or newly erected since 1998, nor any indication of nuclear-related prohibited activities at any inspected sites.

Second, there is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import uranium since 1990.

Three, there is no indication that Iraq has attempted to import aluminum tubes for use in centrifuge enrichment. Moreover, even had Iraq pursued such a plan, it would have encountered practical difficulties in manufacturing centrifuge out of the aluminum tubes in question.

Fourth, although we are still reviewing issues related to magnets and magnet-production, there is no indication to date that Iraq imported magnets for use in centrifuge enrichment program.

As I stated above, the IAEA will naturally continue further to scrutinize and investigate all of the above issues.

After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapon program in Iraq.

We intend to continue our inspection activities, making use of all additional rights granted to us by Resolution 1441 and all additional tools that might be available to us, including reconnaissance platforms and all relevant technologies.

We also hope to continue to receive from states actionable information relevant to our mandate.

I should note that in the past three weeks, possibly as a result of ever-increasing pressure by the international community, Iraq has been forthcoming in its cooperation, particularly with regard to the conduct of private interviews and in making available evidence that could contribute to the resolution of matters of IAEA concern. I do hope that Iraq will continue to expand the scope and accelerate the pace of its cooperation.

The only skepticism he expressed was regarding the uncertainties related with Iraq's past record on cooperation for weapons inspection program. But he also added that the Iraqis have been cooperating well with the agency.

It's high time that the Bush and Blair Administrations should stop lying to the world about their historic screwup in Iraq.


That is what editorial cartoons are all about.

Source: Bill Day, Comics, Yahoo.

A new name

A new name for my blog.

A new beginning.

Out of the theistic insanity that dogs the world today, the atheistic views have strengthened in me and a sense of inner sanity has started to take hold inside me. Thus, the title.

I hoped one of you might suggest an appropriate title for this blog, not many responses in this direction up till i went ahead with my own. :-)

And also, Mr. Richard Dawkins has set up a charity to promote & contribute to more of atheistic thinking around the world. Here is the web site. It's a treasure-trove for rationale and scientific minds around the world. Do check it out.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ass Kicking.....Clinton style

It was a big FUCK YOU to FOX and its neocon. correspondents on it from Bill Clinton. On FOX news Sunday today he was interviewed by Chris Wallace and man did he get some ass kicking from Mr. Clinton or not.

Watch this for the interview.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blogger beta is really good

Been a month since i switched over to the blogger beta and I'm really impressed by the new tools it has.

Customized my template today and I'll tell you what, it's amazingly simple to maintain the whole structure of your blog. Try it, i recommend it. But don't forget to save your old template first, in case you mess up the style and structure.

Following up on yesterday's post, Ben Sargent is an amazing political cartoonist. Check this out.'s been really a while since i followed any political cartoons. But this man has surely re-ignited my curiosity in them.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brilliant, spot on and damn funny. did i miss this all these years.

Source: Ben Sargent, Comics, Yahoo.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Fortune sucks....

Having a lot of 'free' time these days, has made me to do more of the useless stuff that i generally do on the weekends.......everyday.

I have been spending a lot of time these days mostly doing stuff that would do no good, one of these is spending an hour daily on the social community network 'orkut'. Well if any of you are still untouched by this annoyingly addictive place on the Internet.....please stay away. It's really hard to stay away from, especially if you have a lot of time on hand and a high speed Internet connection. back to the theme of this post. One of the reasons i look forward to log in daily on to the orkut is due to a single line- Today's Fortune. Though i have stopped believing in this kinda stuff a long long time back, my curiosity kinda made me to look forward to reading what it had for me everyday. Damn my curiosity. And in a has been telling me quite rosy and positive fortunes.....of course they never turn out to be true for obvious reasons.....most of the times that is.

But you folks know what it showed me today........
You are next in line for promotion in your firm
I'm still applying for jobs and it says I'm the next in line for promotion. Damn.....fortune really sucks.

Phew.....done. Just wanted to post something...... :)

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years after.....

....people haven't still realised the real danger of religious continues to grow unabated on the both sides of the fence.

Live and let live.


The following song has never been more relevant than now......

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

-- John Lennon

Sunday, September 10, 2006

MADtv Real ********* Talk: Thanksgiving

This isn't for people who don't like shit. So beware....

Another blabering...'s been a long time since i had anything to post over here. I'm kinda messed up right now......haven't been doing much with my life after graduation. Should have searched more aggressively for jobs....but didn't for like 20 days now. Need to start working on this more.

That is it, not much going on. A couple of friends of mine met with a terrible accident involving cars, they are recuperating from serious injuries. Really was worried abt them it looks like they are going to make it. I'm really hoping and wishing for their recovery.Please do the same, if you guys could do that.

What else? I've been watching this incredible docu. series by Jonathan Miller, that was shown on the BBC last year, on the history of disbelief. Really awesome. Do catch it, if you can.......over here. It's a three part series. Do watch it.

While I'm writing this post, I'm also listening to BBC world service online. And their weekly program on religion is on and this gentleman, who is a Kenyan evangelical Bishop, comes on air arguing that a exhibit showing the evolutionary findings in Kenya should not be allowed cause it promotes a "theory" that contradicts Christianity. WTF??? This is becoming we aren't allowed to exhibit scientific findings as facts cause they go against some religious crap? Come on......guys we need to take this more seriously, else the day may not be far away when science itself might be considered blasphemous.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Steve Irwin is dead.

Went for a walk in the University, came bck and saw this on BBC. This is really terrible and what a sad way to die. I just am short of words to describe my feelings right now.

Really sad day. I really luved this guy and his programs on animal planet were really unique.

My deep condolences to Terry Irwin and family.
