Monday, June 18, 2007

Well, that rests the matter then....

Obama came out with a statement today on the recent controversy arising from the memo that his campaign team put out that took a cheap shot at Hillary Clinton's financial ties with the Indian-American community.

He had this to say:

"It was a dumb mistake on our campaign's part and I made it clear to my staff in no uncertain terms that it was a mistake," Obama told the AP in a brief interview in which he referred to the memo as "unnecessarily caustic."

and added...

"It is not reflective of the long-standing relationship I have had with the Indian-American community,"

Well accepting a mistake upfront is always nice to see from a presidential hopeful.....good on his part to realize that before it snowballed into a major controversy.

And on the issue of jobs going overseas, he had this to say....

"The issue of outsourcing is a genuine and important issue but to refer to one particular country was, I think, an error and I let all of us know that we've got to be more careful about how we communicate,"

and added....

"While it's not possible to stop globalization in its tracks, what we can do is make sure we have a government that's looking out for our workers," Obama said. "We can do more to create a government that's creating quality jobs here in America, and we can do more to create a government that's helping workers who lose their jobs."

A reasonable stance Mr. Obama, i agree with you on that.

I'm not a conservative......phew.....

.....I'm relieved.

How did this dawn upon me, you might ask. Well, last night (Sunday) i had the (mis)fortune of watching The 1/2 Hour News Hour the supposed conservative version of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. And it was more like......FOX saying the joke is on us....and we errrr....aren't aware of that!

Well, actually this show is more like a conservative version of SNL's Weekend Update. This actually would have been a great show if it was any where near half good as the Weekend Update. But, as it usually happens with "conservative" comedy (read Dennis Miller), the show falls flat. I really tried and was very patient to see if the show was any good....but i couldn't continue after the first 15 mins into the show.

Anyways, why does Fox need a comedy show on its news channel when it's normal programming is good enough to laugh at!? So it is really true, conservatives cannot be funny. It isn't in their genes.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Obama's macaca moment!?

Well it looks like Obama might have had his own macaca-moment last week, which could potentially cause a lot of trouble for his presidential campaign. Sepia Mutiny has got a good post on check it out.

This isn't really a wise move from the Obama campaign. I mean look at the title of the alleged memo: “HILLARY CLINTON (D-PUNJAB)’S PERSONAL FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL TIES TO INDIA.” ! Are you kidin' me! This is kinda stuff that you would generally expect from the most conservative republicans.....not from a democratic senator trying to become the first African-American president! For goodness sake, you guys are trying to break the racial stereotyping associated with African-Americans in U.S. politics. You guys are trying to break the racial barriers...and resorting to this kinda cheap shots at your opponent using racial stereotyping to do that isn't presidential at all.

Hope Obama comes clean on this....else goodbye vice-presidency for 2008 and even worse goodbye 2016.

Memo Source: NY Times

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Blue Abode and our evolution

Well, as i told you in one of my earlier posts this week that I'm catching up on lot of stuff these days....especially on RD's website.....i came across this beautiful poetic rendition by the late astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan....go ahead and indulge in it!

And is another wonderful narration of how the overall evolutionary process took place over billions of years.....

Can't get this out of my head.....

Well, i first heard this song on the American Idol a few weeks ago when Bon Jovi was on the show. I didn't pay much attention to it back then....well actually i should didn't held my attention......may be 'cause i was listening to it for the first time.....hmm...anyways.....can't get this song out of my head.......ever since i heard it again yesterday morning! Damn song....

And oh by the way also check out "Home" by Daughtry...pretty cool alternative genre there.......

Another weekend....haven't done much today.....woke up late and just lazying around. Catching up with lot of stuff online that i missed checking out in the last four months. Especially, the Dawkins site has pretty cool collection of articles and check them out!

Ok guys....not much to the cursor today. Have a great weekend! Peace out...